Friday, March 03, 2006

Lifies and my girlies

Wow, it feels like I haven't blogged in ever... but actually it's only been about a week (or just under) so... what's happened in my?

I got my braces off, which is just fantastic. So now I am feeling very pretty. Yay. Bec came back to Bris and I have missed her lots and lots and I will miss her even more when she isn't in the country! But still, it's always nice to see 'er!

My driving is improving immensely. I can finally park and sort of reverse (but not reverse park LOL) and mum doesn't fear her life these days... which is always good!

Tonight we had a special night at SAGALA where the girlies were split into small groups and then we discussed issues about beauty and what it means to be a girl... I had the lovely 11yr olds. It was encouraging to see that they genuinely were happy about who they were and how they looked and I guess we can only pray this continues. I remember being 11 and despising my appearance, so I hope that this means for them they will take their positive dispossitions into adolescence. But the scary thing is that many of them told me about two or three girls they know who are already starting dieting and critisizing themselves! It's just horrible to know that everyday young women get sucked into superficial things, but actually to them it is life changing and can completely destroy their lives!!!

Pray for the girlies and tell 'em they're beautiful!

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