Sunday, March 05, 2006

I am afraid

Living this life is scary... Everyday you and I wake up and we don't know what will happen. To say that you only hope for the positive is a little like denying the fact that something bad could happen.

Sometimes I get scared. I am particularly afraid right now, because I am realising that I need to cope not on the strength of others, but on God's strength alone. Why is this scary? Because if I fail to reach out far enough, then maybe I won't cope!

I know Him to be my strength and comfort and source of affection and love, because I have experienced it so many times. But I am still afraid.

I am the child who knows her Daddy won't leave her, but I'm also the child who in knowing this, wants to grip onto everyone and everything she sees - because she's tried to look after herself before, and she knows it doesn't work.

So now I just have to hang on with everything I can. Although I grow more tired and things begin to threaten me. People go and things change and I know this year is one of change for me. Change is something to worry about.

Lord, help me not to fear! Amen

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