Tuesday, March 07, 2006

For a starter, I need to whinge about the fact that I haven't had a comment for 6 blogs now. I feel very unloved.

But I have what could be both good and bad news. That is that my family may be moving to Lawnton in April. So yeah, it's good because it would mean I get a bit more personal space, as the house we may move into has 6 bedrooms. So yeah, that'dbe good. It all depends on whether the person in it moves... he is my mum's friend and he is considering moving to Thailand with his Thai wife. He's pretty sure he wants to, but he wants tenants who he knows and trusts (we are that). So basically, it would be good for space reasons and we'd also have a pool... and the rent would be the same as what it is here!

The bad of course is that the time I would need for travel would be a lot more. That could be an inconvenience. But then mum also said we'd organise for me to get a car in July if we did move, so that I wouldn't be hanging around lawnton train station at night... oooh scary.

But I'm pretty positive about this... I need a bit of change so this could be good. That's my news.

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