Thursday, March 23, 2006

Learn some patience!

So, I'm trying to be patient... But it's really hard... I want answers now!

Have been feeling rather led by God recently in a number of different things and I'm quite certain (as much as I can be) about what's gonna happen in foreseeable future... This is a good thing and thankfully, God gives me insights about things earlier than He needs to coz I'm a total planner and would otherwise get frustrated (I think He'll do something about that soon!)

Of course, He doesn't necessarily lead others who are close to me in the same way so it's a little bit scary because whilst I don't have issues with my life, I do with other people's and how they influence mine... er... does that make sense...

Anyway, it's Scott's birthday today and he is officially a teenager... that is really really scary...
But for now I'm too tired to think, so I'm gonna go!

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