Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Deliriously Bored

My doggie is a terrorist. Am I allowed to say that word... like you can't say bomb at airports... I learnt this when I went to Syd last year... Mummy told me to shut up.

No, Brodie is terrorising a cockroach. She's the only other crazy one who can be awake and functioning at 3am! Yay for Brodie. This poor little cockroach only has 3 legs now and it's wiggling around on its back... I have no sympathy because it crawled out of the medicine box and threatened to fly on me, so I set my dog onto it. It put itself on my hit list. I'm so bored... but I can't sleep. Maybe I'll go do maths and chem study, I'm sure that would make me sleep! Haha no!

"We are gathered here today in rememberance of cockroach #3.2 x 10 ^30 000 000. It died of a pretty typical death... after escaping an extinction of the dinosours, an ice age, natural disaster, peau beau insect spray... it finally met its match with the mad dog Brodie, who escaped a high security mental institution last year in April... hehe sucked in you little disease ridden crawly thing... I mean *hec hem* this is tragic"

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