Monday, September 25, 2006


Drama camp was awesome, learnt so much new stuff. Although it was really intense, we pretty much got up early, had breakfast and then went straight into workshops. The only free time was when we had a meal and then there were a couple of half hour blocks of free time. So, the workshops... one was on clowning and I discovered that really you don't have to do much to be funny, one was on voice, so all about articulation, working from the diaphram etc etc and that was really good. I think all of us started to make sounds we didn't know we could, so it was really enjoyable. We also worked with masks, did some spacial awareness stuff, viewpoints...

My favourite was the acrobatics though. We learnt how to do some basic acrobatic lifts. At first it was really hard for me... I was worried about my knees and because I don't do much sport, I have poor flexibility in my legs, which makes it really difficult. However I loosened up heaps and by the end of it discovered that I actually have quite good flexibility in my lower back for someone who does no physical activities and my posture and centre of balance is not too bad either. So I got photos of the lifts that we did, I'll post them when I get them.

The other cool thing about camp was that we had heaps of grade 8 - 10 students, so for those of us who are old, it was a good chance to mentor them and teach them what we know. I became the resident make up artist for the masquerade ball we had on Saturday... about 3 yr 8 girls decided that they wanted to wear makeup and so I was the girl to ask lol. Also, at the end of camp, I was told that I was "the mother of the dorm" so I don't know how to take that.... hehehe

I'm so tired now.

1 comment:

bec said...

Good to hear you sounding happy. Glad to hear that camp was so great!