Monday, September 11, 2006


I just got home from doing my maths and english exams. English was fantastic... I wrote an editorial on how people have become so obsessed with technology that they actually have faith in it, and that in a sense, they worship it. The editorial had to be based off a science fiction novel we read, which for me was Prey by Michael Crichton. So my headline was "PREY or PRAY to Science?"

So I talked about how people literally live, breathe and eat science, and how they will entrust their lives in science, they depend on science... and whilst it has many benefits, it is not a solid thing to ground your hope and faith in, afterall, it is developed by people, who are imperfect and therefore, science can and does fail.

Maths exam sucked. No comment.

I have a biology exam on Wednesday and a legal oral on Wednesday then it's all over for... 8 weeks before the next lot of exams. Yay. But then I will be finished.

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