Thursday, September 07, 2006

People and Losing Faith

Discovered something... people are unreliable. Like really really unreliable even with important things. Well, things that I value and see as important but perhaps they don't... And when you ask people for help, they don't seem to know what to do, so they re-direct you to someone who does know, but then that someone doesn't, so they re-direct you to someone else. Before you know it, you've been re-directed so many times that it actually goes in circles and frustrates you so badly and then you want to throw your arms up and down and throw a tantrum.

So stuff people, I am tired of being let down by friends (which is to say, they forget, fail to see value in what I am asking or they just can't do anything, all of which are usually unintentional) and yeah. I have completely lost faith in everyone and I need to only rely on God which is especially hard because I have recently lost faith in Him and also, the people I have lost faith in are actually people who follow Him. I don't really know where that leaves me...

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