Sunday, September 17, 2006

What needs to be said

It's really sad when someone decides they don't want to be friends with you anymore. So this person in mind hasn't actually outright said "I hate you" but every day she is picking apart at everything I do. The only time she likes me is when she wants something. And if I do any wrongs by her then she doesn't want to know me.

Today I just felt like saying "you know what, ever since I met you, I have known that you backstab, tell your friends secrets to other people. The only time we've ever been close is in your times of crises when you need me for something, then you dump me for other people. And people have told me for years to give up on you because you don't act like a true friend. But you know what, I didn't give up on you because I still see value in you and love you despite the times you've hurt me. So considering that, why do you now treat me like I've never cared?"

But I didn't say that. Maybe I will say that. I think it needs to be said.

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