Sunday, July 30, 2006

I have a car

Well I just bought a car. Not quite, I paid a deposit, but I am transferring money over and should have it by Wednesday. How cool is that? I have a licence and a car and that is really really scary now that I think about it!

It's a green hyundai excel and it's pretty and has 4 doors and 4 (new) tyres so that's good too. I'm happy. No more lifts!

So now I have to think of a name for it, and I have to get insurance and stamp duty and rego but that's ok coz I, Cassandra Ayres, have a mode of transport other than bumming lifts off everyone. This is exciting.

1 comment:

bec said...

Good on you Cassie! It's a little scary to think of you driving but good on you. Now you just have to remember that one of the best tools for ministry with youth is a car to drive them home. Be responsible, but make sure you make good use of it. Continue the late night car talk tradition!!! Love you!