Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Term 3 commences

Day 1 of Term 3... note to self ... only 17 weeks of school left before I am no longer a student. That's kinda cool and kinda scary. I've always talked about how I can't wait to finish, but as students, I think school naturally in ways defines us... as in, it feels like you live and breathe school. Somebody asks you to say something about yourself, and it usually comes back to school... so who will I be after school? Very happy I imagine. This term is gonna be tough, we were introduced to our coming assessment today... very full on!!!

Had a nice moment today though... I was sent an email today about our church prayer breakfast and on it was a list of things that needed to be brought by different people. It had "Antony and Cass... juice" and I really liked that... like to be associated with Antony. And it is cool when people refer to us as an "us." Can't really explain why, it is just nice.

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