Friday, July 21, 2006


Well it's all very exciting having a licence and all, but nothing has changed because I'm not allowed to drive mum's car. I got paid out badly at school today, because I arrived late (as I had physio) and Antony had told my teacher that I just got my licence and was probably trying to remember how to drive to school! So I walk in and Ms Ganis says "got lost driving to school did you?" It was funny though. Anyways, I am excited because I have money and I am going car shopping this weekend and that's cool! But I'm scared, because of the horrible scary car dealers who like to rip off innocent 17 year old girls with no clue about cars... so I asked a guy from church if he'll come, because I need a boy to help me!!!

I can't wait to have a car! LOL... keep thinking about it as I catch the stupid public transport with screaming year 8's... they are SO annoying and I know I sound like a snobby senior (we just got our jersey's so we feel very cool) but really, I don't remember being that annoying in grade 8...

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