Sunday, July 30, 2006

3 years

Our church had it's 3rd birthday this week. For the first time since we opened, we didn't do the big celebrating thing, which I think I kinda prefered. It was like, yeah, we're a church, we're young, but we've grown, we don't need to announce our presence because people know where we are and telling people about our church is something that we should do every day of the year, not just our birthday. So that's just my interpretation of things anyway.

But with the 3rd year thing, it reminds me that I've now enrolled as a soldier for 2 years. So that's kinda cool. It made me think of committments and it made me reflect on 2 years. I don't think I can say at all that I've even come close to fulfilling that covenant, and sometimes I don't think I necessarily care much about it. That sucks, but then I know that I am just one of many who might say that.

So now I reflect and go, ok, let's make this year a little better. And that's what I will do. Or try!

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