Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It's great the way God gives us opportunities to minister to people. Last night I was working with a girl who is my age and over the last few shifts she has started to open up a little bit. Anyway, last night she started asking me questions about Christianity and then was asking for some relationship advice considering she has just broken up with her boyfriend of 1 year. It was kinda cool because I haven't had opportunities to share with people like that in awhile, and it felt very right. So I don't know if she's taken on anything of what I said, but that's up to God to work out...

And the guy who I am buying the car off, when he came to show me it, we somehow ended up completely sidetracked from the car, and instead we talked about God for ages. And he thought it was amazing that I was going to church even though my family don't and then he wanted to know all about the salvo's and my testimony, then he's talking about coming to church one week, or going to uni church which his friend runs at QUT. Oh, and for the record, he said I was bright and switched on... LOL take that people's who think I am a little ditzy!!!

I hope I can pick up my car today... grr, banks are so annoying because apparently you can't transfer from bank to bank and then you can only take out a limited amount per day and ARGGGH everyone is at work all the time and there is no time and that annoys me! Anyway, I am trying to think of a name for my car, I'm currently thinking Cesil (it's tradition to have strange names, Susanne's is Kwang, Emma's is Sevvy). Any suggestions?

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