Thursday, July 13, 2006

Nearly driving test time

I did a mock driving test today and I passed. I am so excited coz the last practice test I did, I made 21 non critical driving errors and 4 critical driving errors. Today, I made no criticals, and 7 non criticals. To pass, I need to make no criticals and no more than 8 non criticals! So I divided my mistakes by 3 in one week and that is good. But two of my mistakes were simply not knowing where the lights were on the car, coz the car is different to mum's car lol. So really, I made 5 errors whilst driving. I have one more practice test, and I hope to halve the mistakes to like 3 and then on the day, get none lol!!! That's the plan anyway...

Pray for the road on Wed 19th at 11:55!!! Haha dangerous time... or perhaps after then will be more dangerous because then I may have the license and can drive on my own...

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