Saturday, July 01, 2006

A woman who says she doesn't diet is a liar

I read this article today... a woman has just written a book about how every woman has an issue with her weight and that every woman has a secret abnormality with her eating habits, and it is therefore normal.

So, Candida is 165cm tall and 55kg. Although this is a "fat day" she weighs herself everyday and at the beginning of the week she had been 50kg and whilst she says this is disgusting, it isn't as bad as what she was on this particular day. She says she doesn't have an eating disorder, every woman eats like her...

Breakfast: Nothing, unless she is constipated in which case she eats a handful of linseed

Lunch: Maybe a glass of juice, but generally nothing

Dinner: "normal" meal of pasta, vegies etc, however it is all "portion controlled" and she does a work out after dinner to make sure she works off all the calories.

She says that no woman in the world doesn't "control her weight" and that if she says she is comfortable, she is a liar. And because of this, to binge or starve is not an eating disorder...

Interested to know thoughts...

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