Sunday, April 23, 2006

No consumation... but lots of love!

Hehe, don't you just love when things go so wrong that you think everything will be bad, then it turns out better than what you ever planned?

So, Friday night, after SAGALA, I went to Antony's place to begin the 1yr celebration. It was about 9pm when I got there, however I didn't really notice the time. When I got there, he said that Tanya (his sister) had gone to the coast for the weekend and had left him in the house with basically nothing to eat. By the way, I've not eaten since lunch! So, dinner was ... a can of "chunky pepper steak" (which was cold) and rice (which was half cooked and cold) So basically, it was a mess of cold soup and cold rice and was really quite foul. But I thought it was funny! Antony kept saying that I didn't have to eat it but I'm like "no, it's fine, I don't mind" then afterwards he kissed me and I nearly puked and said "ok, it was foul, and we both taste like it! I'm brushing my teeth!"

Following dinner was the most amazing massage I have ever had! Antony actually researched on the net massage techniques! How sweet is that? Yeah, the massage was great... my favourite bit of the whole night! Then we watched a movie and I discovered that Antony loves Titanic (so do I) and also The Lion King! It was after 1am when we went to bed. Seperately of course!

On Saturday, we decided to go ice skating. The train ticket guy said to get off at Boondall station and so did another train person (because we highly doubted it) ... so we trusted them and got off at Boondall and found ourselves walking for 45minutes! We were supposed to get off at North Boondall! But ice skating was really fun and I laughed coz Antony is so unco! The only downside was that I nearly popped my knee out and all night my left knee was slightly swollen and sore. It's ridiculous... I can't do anything anymore!

Our church had a drive in movie last night, so we went to that as well and it was freezing! I think I nearly died of hyperthermia!

So yeah, it was a really good time, even though everything worked against us! And just for the record, no love was consumated... LOL. I don't understand why everyone at school thinks that just because you make it to 1yr, that you should be now having sex! What's with that?

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