Monday, April 03, 2006

In the last week of school finally. It really has gone quickly so far. I'm really happy, coz I passed chemistry. See, I planned to do final cramming and study in the last week and a half, but because I was sick, didn't end up doing that. So my exam was hard since I hadn't done any revision. I wasn't too stressed because it doesn't count for anything... all the same, I passed, with 45 % on K and a half mark for CRP which basically works out to be a SA-. That's better than this time last year, so no complaints.

Also got english results back for silly Shakespeare story which I did three times over. Yay, got a VHA- So I'm pretty happy with that. I look forward to holidays so badly, even though they are already all booked out, but hey, you get that!

Mummy had her operation today. So she's gonna be pretty sick for the next 6 weeks, meaning next term is going to be great fun, since Scott and I have to pick up all the household duties, and because Scott is a testosterone pumped little magot at the moment, I doubt that I will get much help!!!

Oh well, s'all good. I am loving this song at the moment (just remembered I like it because it's playing on my computer) It's Superchick, Fall Down "I'm not afraid to fall, it means I climbed up high, to not try is to fail" I think those words just work for me at the moment "we'll just jump and see for the 20th time, we'll just jump and see, we might just learn to fly"

I'm not afraid to fall, I've fallen many times. They laughed everytime I fell. But I get up anyway, coz I know I'll fall again!!!

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