Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Suck at packing

Oh my gosh, I am so BAD at packing. See, whenever I go somewhere, I usually have this rule about doing 3 packs... the first pack is to see what I nee dna what needs to be washed. This generally happens at least one week before going away. Pack 2 happens about 3 days before going away. This is the pack where I literally write down EVERYTHING I need to take and pack it and then put the list on top of the stuff with the things that are not yet in there highlighted. It is at this stage that I do a bit of an audit to see if anything doesn't really need to come (because right now we are looking at about 2 suitcases of stuff + my make up bag which is a suitcase in itself really...) If by this stage anything is coming and is not clean, I have a bit of an anxiety attack and stress out big time. Pack number three happens the night before. This is when absolutely EVERYTHING that is going is zipped up and put in the suitcase. I then pull out my daggiest most horrible pj's and suffer in silence over having none of my essentials present. And then after all that, I still seem to have way too many bags and I think "surely I haven't forgot anything" and then usually by day 2 of being away I work out that I want something from home. It sucks.

Generally I am just really bad at this whole pack up thing... I always seem to lose things between my little escapades as well. If I ever become an officer, man I am gonna SUCK at moving around heaps.

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