Monday, May 22, 2006

God is Great

The amazing difference between God and people is this...

If you have a best friend, and you love them dearly but one day fail them, chances are they won't forgive you. You may have mucked up so bad that you've affected the relationship beyond repair... and if that is not the case, things may be strained until trust comes back. They probably won't be too generous towards you either.

God however is your best friend when you're not His best friend... and you can fail Him so much, yet He forgives...

I have stuffed up so badly lately. Last night I threw some things out that have caused immense damage to my life, both in the physical sense and the figurative sense...

Today, I was told I have been offered a job! This is really good because I don't deserve to be blessed so much to be given work (a.k.a moula) but God let it happen anyway! Thank you Jesus!

So needless to say, I am really, really happy and hopefully now that I know what it is like to not have money, I will be much more careful with what I do get!

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