Sunday, February 11, 2007

Daily Woes

Boys think they are so funny. So Antony is here right now and he hasn't shut up for about 30 minutes now and basically, he's putting this bogan type voice on... omg I am laughing so hard!!!

Anyway, I went to church today, very exciting... I left the house yay!!! I wish I had more people to talk to... so that's why I am going out for coffee with Bev tomorrow.

Antony is great. He's been here helping me do everything... getting me into cars and taxis, making me lunch and breakfast, retrieving ice packs and various other daily requirements... cleaning up after me... Every cripple should have an Antony. And he's great company, I love him...

(He reckons I am sucking up and want something now... only an engagement ring to be honest)

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