Sunday, March 04, 2007

Week 1

Well, tomorrow is beginning of week 2 of uni. So, everyone says it's a big change and I won't disagree. In my first week, I got lost and missed a tutorial, met stacks of new people - some I really like, some I really don't, and I have already had an overwhelmed moment.

I have realised that I love control and the feeling of independance. So this week I had a bit of a downer because I haven't been able to control the whole uni thing... I have minimal control over what time I get to uni, I can't control if the lecturers decide to publish our readings... I can't control anything and it really is driving me a little crazy! And not being able to walk properly because of my knee really makes me feel dependant... I can't drive and I can't really carry things myself etc. So I guess I have always known I have a need for control but I have only just been reawakened to it.

I know that everything will work out, my knee will get better (which it is, daily and that's a real encouragement to me because it was slow progress to begin with, but now it is going really fast) but for now, I just have to push through all the junk.

Aside from that, the whole uni thing is exciting... I am so glad I have started... I feel motivated because I actually want to be there. Trust me, nothing gets me up at 5am 4 days a week unless I really want to be awake for it!

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