Saturday, February 03, 2007

Not Tired

My body clock is messed up and the stupid thing is that I have no legitimate reason. It's after midnight and I don't feel at all tired. So I am really bored, again which is kinda the story of my life at the moment.

I look forward to starting uni. No... I look forward to finishing uni because I inevitably will loathe studying, that's simply a fact... but anyway, I was looking at the subject assessment for first year and comparitively to year 12 looks rather pleasant. One unit, I get to do online quiz's and surveys for like 30% of my grade which is pretty awesome if you ask me! Oh and then there is a 1000 word essay and I can't even write out a grocery list in 1000 words!

Hehe ask me in 6 months what I think of uni and I assure you it will be a different tune!

Still not tired.

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