Sunday, November 19, 2006


Well I am officially finished and may I say, it's a great feeling. The formal was great and I will post pictures soon, but I cried at the end of the night. I never thought I would, coz I have hated school since hmm, day 1 of year 8 and largely it was because of the people and the expectations... but for some reason I got so emotional and once the tears started I was a total wreck. How shamed! Arrrgh, anyway, I think my tears were a mixture of regret for not ceasing the opportunity for so many potentially great friendships, fear of the world out there, tiredness, relief and just because! I'm alright now, no more tears and I am so happy to be finished, I won't let myself have regrets and I'm excited for the future which I have no idea about! Yay!!!!

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