This is absolutely nuts...
Since last Sunday, I have looked at, liked and agreed to buy a car, been to the bank twice (and that is a story in itself), spent 25minutes on the phone to organise insurance, whilst being at work, got an RACQ membership, transferred a registration (now we're up to Thursday) been sent on a few hours worth of errands for the family, hit a dodgy kerb on the way out of a friends driveway, got stuck in a park at the hospital (for my knee) because it was next to a big fat concrete pole and the other person took up some of my park... then Friday, arrive at SAGALA to notice a big trail of fluid coming from my car and steam coming out of the bonnet. Freak out! Find people who own cars, be advised to call RACQ (I've had the membership for the total of 1 day now... the beginning of a long lasting relationship) then I'm told that my fan isn't coming on, causing overheating. Get scared and want to cry, although don't because I have a fantastic boyfriend who is assuring that everything will be fine and a great friend, Susanne who is doing an awesome job of not letting me get overwhelmed and make bad decisions. For example, I told the guy I bought the car off about the problem and he said he'd fix it for me, but Susanne says "It's your call, but I think you shouldn't trust a backyard job, and if you make any decisions tonight I will hit you" (said with a smile but fair amount of sincerity) then in my stress out (heaps of people are there because Energex is on so everyone is crowding around my little Cesil) it starts raining and I am in no position to be figuring out how to reverse out of a park so Susanne does this for me (I don't do parks... well I didn't but I'm getting to that bit). All of a sudden, the car just starts working again, no problems at all... So I go home and all is fine... then the really scary bit...
Mum says to me "you left your handbreak off last night" I look out window and car is roled down driveway. No way did I leave it off I always put it on first before I park.... ALWAYS. So I accept that I may have and go downstairs to move it (it's not quite on the road, nearly) and I see the window is open, all doors unlocked. No way, I may have left the handbreak off but I didn't forget to lock the doors! Yeah, and then the car doesn't start because the box over the ignition is not there anymore and everything has been rewired. I cry, go get mum, she confirms an attempted theft! I'm like, no way this sucks. As if last night wasn't stressful enough and I'm supposed to be at work in half an hour. So I call the police, but because my dear friends from church last night mooned the car, and crawled all over it and in it as I tried to leave (which was incredibly immature, dangerous and annoying) they couldn't finger print it. Luckily enough, the people who did it were ammatuers and didn't realise they were literally a minute away from getting it. All they had to do was snap the steering wheel lock and it was gone. I count myself very lucky that didn't happen, and they didn't do any damage other than the ignition stuff, which is easily fixed. Cevine did that today it costs lots to do... the parts, plus a club lock for the wheel is costing about 200. It just feels like such an invasion of privacy and I'm really scared to be leaving out there alone! But I learnt to reverse park into the yard today, so I put it in a strange place that people will have difficulty getting it out of... ok so I have to get it out, and it's annoying, but hey you gotta do that sometimes!
And all this in a week!
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