Monday, August 28, 2006


I love my analogies, but I haven't told any in a while.

Here is two...

Right now my life is like a game of tug 0f war, and I am the red ribbon in the middle. There are two sides pulling and I flicker over the line but neither side wins. I am waiting passively for Jesus to win but in doing that, it gives satan a chance at winning also, because as long as I let myself be that red ribbon, I am controlled by circumstances.

And another...

You're driving along one day and a rock hits your windsreen. It could have been a direct throw, or it could have been an accident, you don't necessarily know, but now you've got a small crack, but it isn't too bad. So you keep driving. You think "I'll get that fixed" but months or years pass and you don't bother. It doesn't appear to be getting any worse, but what you don't realise is that the elements (or life circumstances) are actually weathering it, causing it to become deeper. One day, things are going along fine and the crack is ok. But once again, another rock hits the windscreen, and in that same unattended spot. The rock may not have been that big, but to an already damaged area, it is devastating damage. The whole windscreen shatters and now you're stranded, with no one to help you, you're damaged in a huge way that could take forever to repair and at a great cost and you're also in shock. It is the same as when people make comments about us or when we have fights with people... that crack might not seem so bad now, but what will life do to it? Is it getting worse and we don't know it? Is it going to shatter before us?

So that's just a few thoughts.

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