Monday, August 20, 2007

Dear Me

Oh dear, I am finding uni very stressful this semester. The work in one of my subjects is awful and hard and in the other subjects, it is all so ambiguous and everyone seems to be heading down a different track... and there is minimal guidance.

Today we had 2 lectures about the respiratory system and the different things that can impact upon it. I found this rather interesting, as the whole time I sat there struggling for breath, which I put down to anxiety. I've never really had anxiety issues, but they are becoming a regular occurence along with headaches this year. I think it is a combination of stress (not just to do with uni) and fatigue, which is most likely related to iron defiency. Pfft. And they say old people have all the health problems... well between anxiety, depression, bad knees, eczema and headaches, I think I give most old people a run for their money! LOL

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