Monday, August 20, 2007

Dear Me

Oh dear, I am finding uni very stressful this semester. The work in one of my subjects is awful and hard and in the other subjects, it is all so ambiguous and everyone seems to be heading down a different track... and there is minimal guidance.

Today we had 2 lectures about the respiratory system and the different things that can impact upon it. I found this rather interesting, as the whole time I sat there struggling for breath, which I put down to anxiety. I've never really had anxiety issues, but they are becoming a regular occurence along with headaches this year. I think it is a combination of stress (not just to do with uni) and fatigue, which is most likely related to iron defiency. Pfft. And they say old people have all the health problems... well between anxiety, depression, bad knees, eczema and headaches, I think I give most old people a run for their money! LOL

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's on my heart to say

To love another is hard, yet to hate is harder.
It seems impossible to hold onto love, but you couldn't possibly give it up.
The distance hinders communication, but in time we will learn, and be grateful.
We share many sleepless nights together, sometimes joy, sometimes sorrow.
It feels like only yesterday we met, but it seems we've been together forever.
Fights break our hearts, the simple apology heals us stronger than before.
We're young and have much to learn, don't condemn us, help us.
His smile warms me, the warmth comforts me, the comfort gives me security,
that we will choose to love, no matter the cost, no matter the pain and the heartache
for today, for tomorrow and for every day left for us to live.

Cast away the doubts and bring forth great faith.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I, like many other uni students, often complain about the workload, complain about not having enough time, complain about the text books and in the end leave everything until the last minute.

But I was thinking this morning about how much we take for granted. We say it all the time, how fortunate we are and yet still we forget it. For example, why do we have this culture of caring so little about the opportunity to study? I think back to how easy it was to get into uni - I really didn't put much effort in at school and I had no problems in applying. It was all so simple and it is the same for most of us. And because it was so easy, now I often forget how good I've got it, when there are people in my own sphere of existence who could not testify to my experience. So maybe rather than complain, I should be grateful and make something of this great opportunity, instead of bluffing my way through.

Oh, and I love Antony!!! He'll be 18 soon, which makes it less weird!