Monday, December 18, 2006

And then it dawned on me...

I spoke in my last blog about needing a God nudge to work out my future, and I am proud to say that I have recieved it.

For years I have been keen to study psychology, however lately I had been feeling like it may not be the profession for me... at least not yet. I thought that I might find it too hard to cope with, considering my recent struggles with depression and also, it is a 6 year degree with not a whole lot of chance of employment at the end.

So I applied to qtac anyway thinking that at least I could change my preferences. In the meantime I searched for fulltime positions. One, I came second for, based on lack of experience and one I was about to be offered however a resignation was withdrawn and therefore I was no longer needed.

This week however, I was in some deep prayer and like "ok God, I kinda would like to know what I should do...." but He didn't say anything. I went to bed.

Next morning it hit me... and I changed my preferences to nursing at qut. I am so excited to be starting nursing next year and just amazed that it has been staring at me quite bluntly for so long! I don't think I have felt so excited about a "career move" in, well, ever.

So that's that, I am gonna be a nursey nurse.

Our new youth group leaders are great, Antony is great. I got an OP 7 which is awesome considering I took 2 months off school this year due to illness, failed to stay awake for more than 10 minutes per class, picked subjects I hated and worked 15 + hrs on average every week. Ode to life! LOL So perhaps my lifestyle will have to change for next year hehehe

BUT I was thrilled to see that I got an A for QCS! I couldn't care less about the OP score, but I feel smart for getting an A. If only I had tried in year 12 I may have been one of these smart ppls but oh well.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Decisions Decisions

Learning a few lessons at the moment. Kinda tough times but HOPEfully I can remain JOYful and PEACEful.

I've decided to abandon my fear of judgement and do what I need to do. I, like many others ignore what is best for me and what is in God's will because of fear of what others will do, say and think. In the end though, that doesn't really matter coz God is all powerful and promises that all things will work for the good (eventually). And also, I figure that if people do not approve of my decisions or mock me because of them, I will know what the status of that relationship is!

Needless to say, I am still struggling to make decisions but I am going to keep waiting for a God nudge. It will come.

Friday, December 01, 2006

No net

Once again my internet is being difficult and so I find myself at Strathpine shopping centre again because there are computers here. What would I do without it?

Anyway, I am realising how busy I used to be and how much better the simple life is. Seriously, I have so much time and energy and I have only been on holidays for two weeks. It is truly amazing lol.

My session is nearly over so I off I go.